Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tips for home....

Read to your child daily.
Provide a quiet place in the home to read and complete homework.
Label items in the house for your child to read.
Allow your child to read the grocery list in the store and help locate
the items.
Help your child write stories he or she thinks up.
Encourage your child to find and circle all his or her known words in
the newspaper, magazines, or junk mail.
Allow your child to help read recipes or directions to assist with
Place appropriate reading materials around the house.
Use puppets or toys for storytelling with your child.
Put your child’s name on appropriate mailing lists. He or she will be
excited to receive mail and will want to read it.
Explain meanings to words that your child asks.
Discuss pictures in books, what makes sense in the story line,
predictions and so on while reading with your child.
Encourage your child to play with and make words with his or her
food-ABC cereal, pasta, gummy snacks, etc.
Start making up a story (any story that your child will relate to) and
support your child as he or she adds on to it. Alternate and
make sure to use details and describing words.
Help your child practice putting lists of words in alphabetical order.
Start with names of family and friends.
Encourage your child to tell you as many describing words that he or
she can think of for common items- the house, car, pet, a
person, etc.
Get a library card for you and your child. Help him or her find books
that they are interested in—animals, cars, space, etc. Also, let
your child see you enjoying reading as well.
Make learning fun. There shouldn’t be penalties or consequences for
difficulties or struggles.

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