Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ideas for reading at home...

Reading Tower
Buy a bunch of different colored 3x5 index cards. Write the words that your child can read on the cards. Use one card per word and one color for the type of word. For example, your child can write an action word on a green card. Adjectives might go on a red card, and nouns might go on a purple card. Stack the completed words into a "word tower." Have your child practice reading the words from the cards. As your child learns more words, the "word tower" will grow. You can also do this activity the opposite way. Write words that your child does not know on the cards, and keep
practicing them until they are learned.

Extended Bedtime
Give your child the option of going to bed and turning out the lights, or going to bed and reading for an extra 15 minutes. The strategy here is that children are excited to stay up later, they think they are "getting away" with something, and they are! They are getting another opportunity to read!

Kids Reading to Kids
Have your child read to younger siblings, family, friends, or neighbors. Your child can choose a book that he or she is comfortable reading and one that a younger child would enjoy hearing. Your child will be proud to read to younger children.
It makes them feel older and smarter.

Book Tapes
Your child can record his/her voice reading a book on tape. This way, the tape can be used for them to listen to as well as follow along while reading.

Go on a "Booknic"
Go on a picnic and bring books to the park for a realaxing reading day.

High Frequency Words Go Fish
Prepare a deck of cards by making 2 cards for each word. Deal each player 5 cards. Players lay down any matches that they have and read the words aloud. Each player asks another for a word by saying and spelling it. "Do you have the word because...b/e/c/a/u/s/e?" The player hands it over if he/she has it. If not, the "asker" must GO FISH and take another card. The winner is the one with
the most pairs of words.

Making Words
Pick a big word (example: snowflake). Cut up letters and have your child make smaller words from the letters given. As you make words, point out how changing one letter can make new words. Once you have made all of the words, use the words your child has made to sort for patterns in the letters. (MAKE: an, ask, sake, snake, as, was, fake, snowflake, of, saw, lake, on, won, snow, now, flow, low. SORT: -ake, -ow)

Make your own "word walls"
In the classrooms, teachers put words up on the wall as the students learn them. They are there for reference and identification purposes so that students will get
used to seeing them.

Be A Playwrite

Have your child write the script of an original play. Include descriptions of the characters and setting, and a brief outline of the plot. Paint scenes, create costumes, a press release and playbill with a brief explanation of the play and it's actors. Recruit family and friends to be in your play or to be your audience.

Dictionary Game
One person chooses a word from the dictionary without telling the others what that words means. Have everyone in the group write down what they think the mystery word means, then share answers to see who comes closest to guessing the actual definition of the word. Take turns looking up words. This can get pretty funny!

Letter/Theme Collage
Choose a letter from the alphabet and cut out as many pictures as you can find of objects that start with that letter. Glue the pictures to poster sized paper. Older children can choose a theme and cut out pictures that describe the theme.

You can create your own board game! Draw stepping stones or a series of squares that lead from start to finish on a poster board. Fill in some of the things you enjoy doing, like rollerblading or drawing. Write silly things in some of the spaces such as "make a funny face", "bark like a dog", "wiggle your nose", or "hop on one foot for a minute". Draw numbers, letters, words, actions, or symbols on the other squares. Write a short list of rules for the game on one sheet of paper, and have fun playing your game!

Make your own flashcards to help improve your child's vocabulary. Use index cards or large squares of paper. Choose words your child is having problems with and print them on the cards.

Tips for home....

Read to your child daily.
Provide a quiet place in the home to read and complete homework.
Label items in the house for your child to read.
Allow your child to read the grocery list in the store and help locate
the items.
Help your child write stories he or she thinks up.
Encourage your child to find and circle all his or her known words in
the newspaper, magazines, or junk mail.
Allow your child to help read recipes or directions to assist with
Place appropriate reading materials around the house.
Use puppets or toys for storytelling with your child.
Put your child’s name on appropriate mailing lists. He or she will be
excited to receive mail and will want to read it.
Explain meanings to words that your child asks.
Discuss pictures in books, what makes sense in the story line,
predictions and so on while reading with your child.
Encourage your child to play with and make words with his or her
food-ABC cereal, pasta, gummy snacks, etc.
Start making up a story (any story that your child will relate to) and
support your child as he or she adds on to it. Alternate and
make sure to use details and describing words.
Help your child practice putting lists of words in alphabetical order.
Start with names of family and friends.
Encourage your child to tell you as many describing words that he or
she can think of for common items- the house, car, pet, a
person, etc.
Get a library card for you and your child. Help him or her find books
that they are interested in—animals, cars, space, etc. Also, let
your child see you enjoying reading as well.
Make learning fun. There shouldn’t be penalties or consequences for
difficulties or struggles.

10 Ways to Keep Your Children Organized

1.  Use Checklists
Help your child get into the habit of keeping a "To Do" list. Use checklists to post assignments, household chores, and reminders about what materials to bring to class. Your child should be writing down homework each day in the planners we give out at school on the first day. Crossing completed assignments off the list will give him/her a sense of accomplishment!
This website from Scholastic will create a really neat looking TO DO LIST
that you can fill out yourself and print in many different formats!

2.  Organize Homework Assignments
Before beginning a homework session, encourage your child to number assignments in the order which they should be done. Your child should start with one that's not too long or difficult, but avoid saving the longest or hardest assignments for last.

which will aid you in managing your time wisely!
Hamburger Organizer
Pizza Organizer

3.  Designate a Study Space
Your child should study in the same place every night. This doesn't have to be a bedroom, but it should be a quiet place with few distractions. All school supplies and materials should be nearby. If your child wants to study with you nearby too, you'll be better able to monitor the progress and encourage good study habits.

4.  Set a Designated Study Time
Your child should know that a certain time every day is reserved for studying and doing homework. The best time is usually not right after school. Most children benefit from time to unwind first. Include your child in making this decision. Even if he/she doesn't have homework, the reserved time should be spent reviewing, practicing math facts, or reading.

5.  Keep Organized Binder and Folders
Help your child keep track of papers by organizing them in a binder with labeled folders. This will give easy access to review the material for each day's class, and to prepare for tests and quizzes.

6.  Conduct a Weekly Clean-up
Encourage your child to sort through book bags and notebooks on a weekly basis. Old worksheets and papers should be organized and kept in a separate file at home.

7.  Check Your Child's Binder and Folders
Although not on purpose, sometimes children forget what is in their Take Home folders. Please try to go through their backpacks and check to make sure that they are writing down and completing all assignments. Check their assignments for accuracy, and that will help the process of organizing what needs to be worked on. Checking up on your children keeps them in check, so that they will be mindful that this is something you want them to do, and will be checking for at home, as well as my checking at school.

8.  Keep a Master Calendar
Keep a large, wall sized calendar for the house that lists the family's commitments, schedules for extracurricular activities, days off from school, and major events at home and school. Note days when your child has big tests or due dates for projects. This will help family members keep track of each other's activities and avoid scheduling conflicts.
Scholastic has a great calendar maker that you can fill in and then print out in different colorful formats!

9.  Prepare For The Day Ahead
Before your child goes to bed, he should pack schoolwork and books in a book bag. The next day's clothes should be laid out with shoes, socks, and accessories. This will cut down on morning confusion and allow your child to prepare quickly for the day ahead.

10.  Provide Needed Support While Your Child is Learning to Become More Organized
Help your child develop organizational skills by photocopying checklists and schedules and taping them to the fridge. Gently remind him/her about filling in calendar dates and keeping papers and materials organized. Most important, set a good example.